About CHErIsH

Welcome to the CHErIsH website. CHErIsH – the Choosing Healthy Eating for Infant Health study – seeks to improve infant feeding practices among parents and caregivers. The study is funded by Ireland’s Health Research Board (HRB).

Infant feeding is an umbrella term that includes activities such as milk feeding (breastfeeding or formula feeding), solid foods introduction and responding to your baby’s feeding signals. By adopting healthier infant feeding practices, parents/caregivers can enhance their baby’s health and well-being, as well as help to reduce the risk of childhood obesity and overweight. A key aim of CHErIsH is to reduce the risk of childhood obesity and overweight, which affects approximately one in four children in Ireland today.  

Currently, the study is undergoing feasibility testing at a leading primary healthcare centre – the Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre (MPHC) in Co. Cork. CHErIsH is inviting parents/caregivers of newborn babies who are attending the MPHC to take part in this study. If you would like to take part or would like more information about the study, please contact us at cherishstudy@ucc.ie